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Chemoport Program with Vygon

Vygon Asia donated 30 Vygon Polysite ISP implantable ports (chemo-port) for patients undergoing chemotherapy in Mount Miriam Cancer Hospital.
Vygon’s Polysite ISP port is usually offered when a patient’s medical treatment requires regular administration of medicines and infusions, such as cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. During the procedure veins can undergo thinning, locating veins to inject medicine and draw blood can become very difficult even for qualified medical personnel. Without the help of chemo ports, repeated jabbing to locate these very thin veins might be inevitable. Chemo ports are a pain-free and efficient solution for addressing this issue.
For further information regarding the free chemo-port program please contact our Medical Social Welfare Team:
Office Contact:
+604 892 3904
Office Hours:
Monday – Friday
10.00 am – 4.00 pm
Mount Miriam Roche Cares Program