You have truly displayed the spirit of ‘By the Community, For the Community’. Your support has made it possible for us to realize our mission to serve the community.
Thank you for thinking about the work we do and always supporting us
It is with the support from the community that we are able to organize various fundraising events, cancer awareness campaigns and community projects. All these events and projects are always great opportunity for us, as a community, to work together to help the less fortunate.
Flower Arrangement Workshop by ‘To. Get. Her.’
22nd October 2018, Mount Miriam Cancer Hospital

Intel 50th Anniversary Volunteer Day
9th April 2018, Mount Miriam Cancer Hospital

St Patricks Day Parade 2018
17th March 2018, Straits Quay Penang

Mount Miriam Cancer Hospital 42nd Anniversary
21st February 2018, Mount Miriam Cancer Hospital

Ho Chiak, Ho Liao 2014
15th June 2014, Mount Miriam Cancer Hospital